Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Popular Culture

Hello and welcome!!! This is my first ever blog. And quite frankly I’m a bit nervous, but excited. This blog will focus on popular culture. The word culture often provokes different feelings for different people. For some it is allusive and unattainable, available only to the rich and highly educated. For others it conjures images and ideas of far away places with ancient languages and customs that can never be truly understood by the modern human. And for others, like myself, culture both unifies and differentiates. My blog will serve as an outlet for my thoughts on popular culture and most importantly how it has defined, changed and perhaps revolutionized love and romance. The new type of love that is emerging is called RADICAL ROMANCE. Radical is not usually a term used to describe romance or love, but writers, artists, poets, musicians and everyday people are daring to break the norms of conventional love and romance and replace it with something radical. Romance and love will be explored through five different culturally important mediums, a novel, a play, a film, a television series, and a website. This semester should prove to be an enlightening experience that will force to look at my own ideas and beliefs on romance and love and just how large a part culture has played in shaping those ideas.